Forêt Eternelle



Forêt éternelle is a fan-game of the famous pocket monster series, which has taken the ambitious gamble of having a 100% original soundtrack.

It was an opportunity for me to write music in a wide variety of styles, because just as festive towns and beaches need their own theme, so do eerie forests and frightening caves!

I've been working with them since 2020, and both the project itself and its amazing team have helped me make huge progress in my music writing.

So much so that only the most recent compositions appear on this page!

The music


A Strange Forest

Now you're in a dark, eerie forest... In the mist, you can't see two steps, and many noises can be heard all around you. Sometimes the light, quick sound of a mocking bird, perhaps laughing at your loss. Sometimes slow and repetitive, the sound of a beast going about its business, unaware of your presence. Sometimes terrifying, deaf and threatening... You dare not imagine the monster at its origin.In the game,you'll hear it as you enter the viridian Forest...

Pulse of adventure

The road is beautiful, sunny, and you're speeding towards your destination! To hear it in the game... Get on your bike!

A stroll in the forest

Sous le soleil radieux du printemps, les fleurs s'épanouissent, emplissant l'air d'un parfum enivrant. C'est le moment parfait pour une balade décontractée en forêt. Les rayons du soleil filent à travers les feuillages, créant une ambiance magique. Les oiseaux chantent, la brise caresse doucement les feuilles, et le chemin forestier invite à une escapade simple et apaisante. C'est le printemps dans toute sa splendeur, une invitation à se perdre un instant dans la nature qui s'éveille.

A Good Walk

It's a long way to go, and there may be a few bumps in the road ahead, but you'll take to the road fearlessly and triumphantly!In the game, you'll hear it if you reach route 11!

A path along the coast

A small, winding path along the coast, swept by sea spray, where the cries of seagulls echo... In game, go to Route 12 to hear this song!

A long ride

The road stretches as far as the eye can see, heralding a journey that promises to be full of challenges. The road will be strewn with pitfalls, but rest assured that despite the obstacles, you'll reach your destination. In the game, you can hear this music on Route 22!

A castle in the moutain

An old manor house stands at the top of the mountain. It's been through many hands, and few venture up to it. But, if you listen carefully, you'll hear its story...

Night at beach

Only the sound of the waves will disturb the silence. Or, in the distance, the soothing melody of a sailor on his violin. Sink your feet into the sand, still warm from the day's sun, and close your eyes!

Harmony of waves

Lulled gently by the ebb and flow of the surf, take time to contemplate the infinite expanse of the sea and let yourself be carried away by the ocean's tranquility. It's no surprise that you'll be surfing to hear this music in the game!

An humble, gentle man

He's so brave, this gentleman! And so kind. Admittedly, he's not one for lofty words or passionate conversation. But what a joie de vivre!

The rival

He rises up to challenge you to a duel! Are you up to the challenge? In the game, take on Green to hear the theme.